College of Business Studies Lighting Project

1,200,000.00 KWD
Indoor - Landscape
In the transformative landscape of educational architecture, Al Sabah took on a distinguished role in 2015 by spearheading the lighting design for the College of Business Studies, a project commissioned by Kuwait University with a budget of 1,200,000.00 KWD. Positioned at the intersection of innovation and educational excellence, our commitment to crafting an illuminative narrative transcends traditional boundaries. As the custodian of light in this academic sanctuary, Al Sabah not only provides illumination but orchestrates an immersive symphony of design, functionality, and inspiration. This undertaking reflects not just a project completion but a narrative woven with expertise, passion, and a profound understanding of how light can shape the very essence of an educational institution.
Academic Diversity
Al Sabah’s lighting projects dynamically adapt to the diverse faculties housed within the College of Business Studies—Business Administration, Information Technology, Office Administration, and Academic Service Technology. The lighting design ensures that each faculty receives tailored illumination, fostering an atmosphere conducive to learning and collaboration.
Facility Integration
Communal catering, arts, sports, and social facilities, alongside Class 4 Emergency Shelters, are seamlessly integrated into the campus. Al Sabah’s lighting projects, mindful of aesthetics and functionality, contribute to creating an inviting and safe environment within these shared spaces.

Central Administration Building
The Central Administration building, serving both male and female campuses, is a testament to Al Sabah’s commitment to a cohesive visual identity. The lighting design in this central hub strikes a delicate balance, creating an administrative space that is both functional and visually harmonious.
Transportation & Accessibility
In addressing the transportation infrastructure, Al Sabah’s lighting projects extend beyond functionality. Illuminating 3,000 car parking spaces, spaces for buses, and intercampus shuttles, Al Sabah contributes to a secure and well-lit environment that enhances the overall campus experience for staff, students, and visitors.
In conclusion, Al Sabah’s lighting projects within the College of Business Studies are an integral part of creating an educational environment that goes beyond illumination. Through this comprehensive review, we celebrate the nuanced interplay of light, design, and functionality that defines the transformative impact of Al Sabah’s contribution to Kuwait University’s educational landscape.